With the ability to deploy to remote locations, TLS has completed projects across Australia and the South Pacific.

Speak with a TLS Geosynthetic specialist to find out more.

Please see the following brief summary of works completed.

Project Locations

Recently Completed Resource Projects


TYPE: Resource
JOB DESCRIPTION: Cell 1 Tailings Dam
CHALLENGES & ACHIEVEMENTS:                                           TLS was contracted by QH&M Birt to conduct the supply & installation of 26,500m2 of HDPE geomembrane for the lift on the batters. We mobilised to site and completed the 26,500m2 installation within a 6 day period.

PROJECT NAME: Rosedale Tailings Storage Facility
CLIENT: Exact Mining
TYPE: Resource
JOB DESCRIPTION: 545,000m2 Tailings Dam
CHALLENGES & ACHIEVEMENTS:                                           TLS worked assisted Exact Mining with the geosynthetics for the Rosedale Tailings Dam which covered an area of 545,000m2. Working on a mine site with strict safety guidelines, TLS adhered to all requirements and were able to complete all our scope without delays working in with Exact Mining.

PROJECT NAME: Santos Leewood Project
CLIENT: Osmoflo
TYPE: Resource
JOB DESCRIPTION: 5000m2, of Geosynthetic Clay Liner
CHALLENGES & ACHIEVEMENTS:                                           On a site heavily involved in protests by the public, TLS conducted the installation of GCL in the upmost professional manner. TLS had completed the installation ahead of schedule.

PROJECT NAME: Newcrest Cadia SWD Lining
CLIENT: Newcrest Mining Ltd
TYPE: Resource
JOB DESCRIPTION: 78 hectares of geosynthetics to waste rock dump at Orange, NSW.
CHALLENGES & ACHIEVEMENTS:                                           Working through winter in the NSW central tablelands and under substantial time pressure, TLS delivered a high standard of workmanship in near freezing conditions enabling the client to proceed with surface mining operations with no delays.